Colourful Mandalas
Peace and calm through art

Service Description
Inhale positivity and exhale anxiety as we help you find a peaceful abode within your heart through Yoga and Mindful Art. Meditate the modern way and release all anxieties as you draw mandalas using simple techniques. Creating mandalas can help well-being and reduce anxiety. The process of making a mandala incorporates both symmetry and flow, and structure with flexibility. As we play and explore through art, within the safety of the circle, the process calls on our ability to be resilient and accept the unexpected. This also engages both hemispheres of the our brain, restoring a sense of mental and emotional balance. With both hemispheres engaged, our ability to cope with anxiety and regain a sense of control increases. We feel more grounded and discover the space to heal from loss. The session will also give a glimpse of mindful journaling, allowing a safe space for your thoughts and you. No prior experience in art is required for this class. If you are someone who cannot sit in one place and concentrate on your breath, this class is perfect for you. You will explore meditation in the most creative way. Class Highlights: Gentle yoga stretches for healthy neck and spine Learn how to draw colorful Mandalas and meditate Mindful Journaling
Cancellation Policy
To reschedule or cancel the class kindly contact the teacher 24 hours in advance. The class fees will only be refunded in case the teacher cancels the scheduled class. Refer to the terms and conditions for more information. Please select PayPal at checkout for international payments
Contact Details